Total hip arthroplasty physiotherapy protocol: some guidelines

Be aware: We strongly recommend you to find a qualified physiotherapist. The blog Physio4fight is purely a source of information and CANNOT replace the assessment of a qualified professional.  We recommend seeking professional advice before embarking on any form of self treatment. Find a qualified physiotherapist.
The following protocol should be used as a guideline for rehabilitation progression, but may need to be altered pending the nature and extent of the surgical procedure, healing restraints or patient tolerance.
Total hip precautions after surgery should be followed for 3 months and include:
-Avoid hip flexion past 90°
-Avoid internal rotation of the lower extremity
-Avoid crossing the midline of the body
-Avoid sitting on low, soft surfaces
-Use a raised toilet seat for 6 weeks
–3 months (discussed with the surgeon at the 6 week visit)
Patient will be weight bearing as tolerated with a rolling walking or other piece of medical equipment as seen fit by the surgeon. Patient may progress from a walker to a straight cane when they can demonstrate equal weight distribution, adequate balance, and limited Tredelenburg gait or limp.
Patients may feel uneven in their gait, this is typically due to an adductor spasm and resolves over time.
Driving is prohibited for the first 6 weeks or until off pain medication and walking without a cane.
TED hose should be work during waking hours and removed at night time. They will need to be worn for 6 weeks post operatively
Patients will have staples or Steri-strips over their surgical incision.
Staples will be removed at 10-14 post -operatively, then Steri -strips will be applied for 7 days. When the Steri-strips are removed at approximately 21 days post-op, begin scar massage.
The patient may shower with a waterproof bandage over the staples but a shower stool or tub bench is recommended for the first 3 months. No soaking in the bathtub.
Do not use weight machines until at least 3 months after your surgery.
Patient will attend physical therapy 2-3x/week for the first 6 weeks or until patient returns to the surgeon.
Full protocol here

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